A short note from the President:

Thanks to all that attended the WV4I Memorial Hamfest at our new location. We think it was a great success and look forward to doing it again next year.

Monthly Meetings are now held on the 3rd Saturday of  the month at 1:30 PM

They are held at Hilary’s Restaurant

630 Royal Palm Beach Blvd., Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411

It’s renewal time again!
Please renew your membership or join us as a new or returning member!

For those who desire to join the club please meet us at Hilary’s Restaurant during the monthly meetings or at Saturday Breakfast at Hilary’s. Breakfast is held at 8:30 AM.

Club Dues are $20 per year for Individuals and $30 for Families, still a great deal considering we run some of the widest area coverage repeaters in the county and the Palm Beach Radio Fest, among other things.

We really appreciate your continuing support over the past year(s) and look forward to doing some more exciting things again this year.

Hope to hear from you soon, in person or on the air.

John Clifton, KM4JWC     President: Palms West Amateur Radio Club

The Palms West Amateur Radio Club Inc. is a general interest radio club affiliated with the ARRL, the National Association for Amateur Radio, and the Palm Beach Amateur Radio Council.

Our members come from all over Palm Beach County and bring a variety of interests and amateur radio experience to our club.  Many of our members are affiliated with Palm Beach County ARES and participate in many public service events.

If you have an interest in Radio, Electronics, or just want to find out what all the buzz is about, please join us at our monthly meetings

 For more information please contact:

President, John Clifton, KM4JWC at KM4JWC@att.net