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The Amateur Radio Internet Guide

Latest articles, reviews and links posted to The, an amateur radio, cb radio, scanning and shortwave radio, reference site

New model: Kenwood TM-D750A unveiled at Hamvention 2025. The Ultimate Tribander - Driving Connectivity to New Heights in Mobile Communications
DIY Shortened Vertical Antenna, Open Source in Amateur Radio, J-Pole Antenna Calculator, Collinear Antenna Calculator, 160M Folded Counterpoise, 5/8-wavelength GP vertical antenna calculator , Optimal Mobile Antenna Placement: Maximizing Performance, A portable C-Pole antenna, Morse Code Defender TX game for Android, A Choke Balun for Phased C-Poles ,
A 10-Band Attic Antenna System for Contesting Success, The C Pole - A Ground Independent Vertical Antenna, How to build a 12V emergency power supply , C-Pole Antenna Project, Dipole Bazooka Antenna for 40 meters, HamPass - Contest Score and DX Tools, Amateur Radio Station G0RIF, AWF electronics components, W7PXL Valley Radio Club
A collection of the best new amateur radio links we reviewed during the 2024
Amateur Radio World Map, Building a Rotatable Flag Antenna for Small Lots, Vertical Delta Loops Antennas, Transitioning from W7IUV to Waller Flag Antenna Designs, Trap Dipole for 17, 12 and 6 Metre Amateur Bands, SO2R Speaker and Paddle Switching, Intermittent receiver issues in the TS-590s,
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A simple, portable logger tailored for activities like Parks on the Air, Field Day, and ... - Listed in Software/Logging
This article documents the author's journey in building, modifying, and testing a DIY short ... - Listed in Antennas/Vertical
This article describes a simple yet effective multi-band vertical HF antenna design that performs ... - Listed in Antennas/Multiband
This article describes the implementation and testing of a low-power GPS tracker using LoRa ... - Listed in Technical Reference/LoRa and LoRaWan
Fully functional weathervane conceals an efficient 2- meter base-station antenna. Your Neighbors and HOA won’t know ... - Listed in Antennas/2M
mart Logger is a versatile web app designed for seamless ham radio logging. Compatible ... - Listed in Software/Logging
This project explores the construction and performance of an Alford Loop antenna as an ... - Listed in Antennas/Receiving
This document details the construction, programming, and operation of a modular WSPR transmitter. The ... - Listed in Technical Reference/Beacon keyers
This article discusses the Disk-Yagi antenna, also known as the "gun antenna," popularized by ... - Listed in Antennas/WiFi
This project details the design and construction of a Spider Quad antenna for HF ... - Listed in Antennas/Quad

DXZone: Software daily Top 10

Show the daily top 10 clicked links in Software category in

HamScope is a freeware windows multi-mode communications package for amateur radio that supports: PSK31 BPSK and QPSK RTTY ASCII MFSK16 PACKET CW. Support radio control interface for several ICOM, TenTec, Kenwood, and Yaesu transceivers. Compatible with DXbase LOGic 7 RYLogit TRX-Manager YPLOG. By KD5HIO Glen
Author: The
PSK31, RTTY, SSTV, MFSK, MT63 and other modes, Log, DXCluster, Rotor, CAT and whatever you dream in a single program
Author: The
IP-Sound is a Free application for audio exchange client to client over a TCP/IPv4 network (Lan/Internet). The main purpose for the existence of IP-Sound is to provide low quality audio 8-16kHz, with low latency for use together with remote control software for "ham" radio amateur equipment. IP-Sound is developed by SM5VXC.
Author: The
Design your vhf yagi antenna online, a JavaScript enhanced web page that implements the design of an antenna in the VHF, UHF by K7MEM
Author: The
Graphic viewer for shortwave broadcasting and programming schedules. Supports viewing schedules in an expanding table and on a 24-hour Gantt chart using the local time and the UTC time display modes. Runs on multiple platforms.
Author: The
SkySpy is a software program combining a decoder and a database in order to decode ACARS transmissions, the digital data link between commercial aircraft and ground stations, demod ACARS FAX METEO POCSAG HAM
Author: The
Shareware dual channel audio spectrum analyzer for Windows 2000/XP which can provide either a scrolling time-frequency display or a spectrum analyzer scope display in real time for any sound source connected to your sound card
Author: The
Superfast analyzer for audio and radio signals
Author: The
A digital mode decoding and terminal program that uses no terminal unit, terminal node controller, or multimode hardware. It does all its decoding using the sound card inside the computer, and it can interface with a radio using a COM port. Zakanaka is an extremely cost-effective way of operating PSK31 and RTTY
Author: The
Author: The